IBK Capital raised the start-up capital of $4.6 million for Providential Pictures and Go-Kart Animation. Providential Pictures, a Christian film company, has inked a long-term, multiple episode deal with Chuck Swindoll’s radio ministry, “Insight for Living”, to produce the first animated video series of its popular weekly children’s radio drama Paws & Tales. This beloved and highly successful radio drama program created by David Carl and originally based on a book by Chuck Swindoll, is broadcasted throughout 450 outlets in North America. To date, Providential Pictures has produced 26 one half hour television episodes that air globally in English and Spanish on various Christian TV stations.
Paws & Tales teaches biblical principles in a way that is both entertaining and life changing. Through story and song, each Paws & Tales episode serves up a cast of animal characters who experience exciting adventures while learning important lessons to which children of all ages can relate. “I am continually amazed at the impact a simple, carefully worded story can have on young lives. Nothing quiets them quicker or so completely captures their curiosity,” states Chuck Swindoll. “Our hope at ‘Insight for Living’ is that Paws & Tales The Animated Series ©, just like the episodes on the radio, will provide families with more opportunities to discuss the really important things in life. I can think of no better springboard for those meaningful conversations than through Paws & Tales.” Providential Pictures completed 26 episodes now being aired on global television operated by Trinity Broadcasting Network. Over one billion people are now able to watch Paws & Tales via satellite and cable networks around the world. Tyndale Publishing in Chicago is working with Providential Pictures on DVD and curriculum distribution on a global scale.
Providential Pictures, a Christian film company with a strong evangelical foundation, was created to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and communicate sound biblical values through media productions of the highest artistic and biblical standards that are family friendly, educative and entertaining. With Paws & Tales The Animated Series ©, Providential Pictures aims to fill a void in children’s video product.
In focusing on the needs of young children in our family, we have become aware that there is a lack of children’s Christian video products available on the market. The market is lacking in tools that introduce and help teach biblical truths to children. When the opportunity arose with “Insight for Living” to produce the Paws & Tales The Animated Series ©, we at IBK Capital jumped on the idea. The animated series, designed for children between the ages of three and ten, provides safe entertainment with Christian values that parents can trust.